While Stellar undergoes great lengths to test your hosted applications are working as they should, we are not able to test certain functions that are unique to your working environment.
Once logged in, please verify that your environment performs as expected. Please complete all of the steps listed below to ensure a smooth migration.
Please note, we do know that there are many ways to perform the actions listed below. The instructions should be used as a guide and inform you of the items we ask that you test. Please perform the tasks as you normally would to ensure you can perform everyday basic functions.
1. Edit a standard FOS report (e.g cts.rpt named ‘Crew Trip Schedule’).
2. Set the report to print to window and email to your company email address, be sure to check the Email To option. Save the report setup.
3. From the schedule board right click on any trip and choose ‘Reports Selected Trip’.
4. Print the report to screen.
5. From the print preview screen:
a. Save as PDF
i. Documents folder
ii. Local hard drive
6. Print to paper